Thursday, August 27, 2009

Great Meeting!

We had a successful Shockers meeting last night! Over 20 people were in attendance and as usual the questions were great. Lynne did a great job with the healthy eating education. Just remember about portion control with your fist size! Chad from Guidant did a great job showing and teaching about lead review. He also had some props to pass around so it went very well.
We voted about increasing our meetings to once a month instead of bi-monthly. The vote overwhelmingly went towards having the meetings every month. We will not be able to obtain the room every month until January. So that will be great starting in January! We feel this will also prove as a great oppurtunity for you guys to take some more of the reins at the meetings with Dr. P not there and possibly reps not always available. It should be a great thing going forward for our group! So remember the next meeting is on Oct 28th and we hope to see you all there! And also remember we are always available and here for you if you need anything or have a question about anything.

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